Tuesday, March 20, 2007

What's this???

How difficult is it to understand abuse, rape, attempted rape or sexual harassment which according to Justice Arjit Pasayat “……. degrades and defiles the soul (and I’d like to add body too) of a female.”
Well the link below….is disturbing but yet an enlightenment….but the question is do I dare???? Do I dare stand and complain against the abuse.


Why does it happen?

I have no idea......

In the thesaurus the noun for rape is ‘abduction, abuse, bang, criminal attack, criminal ravishment, defilement, defloration, deflowering, depredation, desecration, despoilment, despoliation, devirgination, forcible violation, maltreatment, molestation, outrage, perversion, pillage, plunder, plundering, rapine, ravishment, sack, seduction, sexual assault, spoliation, statutory offense, violation

And the verb form is ‘abuse, attack, bang, betray, compromise, corrupt, debauch, deceive, defile, deflorate, deflower, despoil, devirginate, dishonor, entice, force, loot, lure, maltreat, mislead, molest, outrage, pillage, plunder, ransack, ravish, ruin, sack, seduce, seize, shame, short-arm heist, spoliate, tempt, violate, wrong

So what does the dictionary say about rape?
Here goes….
The unlawful compelling of a woman through physical force or duress to have sexual intercourse. Any act of sexual intercourse that is forced upon a person.
An act of plunder, violent seizure, or abuse; despoliation; violation: the rape of the countryside or person.
The act of seizing and carrying off by force.
To force to have sexual intercourse.
To plunder (a place); despoil.
To seize, take, or carry off by force.

And here’s what the dictionary has to say about abuse….
To use wrongly or improperly; misuse: to abuse one's authority.
To treat in a harmful, injurious, or offensive way: to abuse a horse; to abuse one's eyesight.
To speak insultingly, harshly, and unjustly to or about; revile; malign.
To commit sexual assault upon.
Wrong or improper use; misuse
Harshly or coarsely insulting language:
Bad or improper treatment; maltreatment
A corrupt or improper practice or custom.
Rape or sexual assault

Now it’s been confirmed at least in my dictionary. Not a single woman has been spared of this criminal offense be it the abuse, rape, attempted rape or harassment of the mind, body or soul…..she has been defiled or traumatized or affected either directly or indirectly.

Friday, March 9, 2007

She Da Queen

So yesterday was women's day and I’ll be absolutely honest after all these years of big hype....why did I feel so special, whole and complete yesterday?

We had women's day last year and the year before that too and even the year before that......if you get my drift.

Well I’ll tell you why… because I’m 27 years old and this year I’ve finally become a woman. This year, I’m whole because even my spiritual body has finally come in sync with my emotional, physical, intellectual and materialistic self.

Today i realized that I cannot exist as an island or an island group i need every form of me to co exist to complete the perfect me.

I don’t make sense do i?

Ok let’s see if this makes sense….. My journey started from the day I was born. I had problems from the day I learn to speak. I mean you’d wonder how much can the first words such as baba and dada get a kid into so much trouble…well I did… I mean not because I spoke gibberish, but, more because I did a lot of things that I was not supposed to. My only defense is… how will, I know, I’m not supposed to do something unless I did it myself.

I was trouble at 5.
Physically un-coordinated and verbally challenged.

I was big trouble at 10.
Physically hyperactive.
Spiritually….duh ? what?

I was big, big trouble at 15.
Verbally termed as loud, smart mouthed and mentally challenged because I went through a disease called “deliberately obtuse” and a viral infection called “teenaged stupidity”.
Spiritually rebellious and a cast off from community.

I was big, big, big trouble at 20.
Physically, I was mammoth shaped and I had a perfect figure that resembled the globe.
Spiritually confused.
An embarrassment to the community.
Mentally totally unaware on the realities of life.
Verbally did not have any problems except for the problem of putting breaks on my verbal abilities.

At 25 I was on a mass destruction path.
I was mentally, emotionally and spiritually broken, depressed and suicidal.
Physically I was loosing weight and gaining twice as much.
I had a broken engagement.
I was on a verge of becoming a god hater.

Now ah!! I’m inching towards 30.
For once i've cast away society and not the other way around.
I love it.
I’m confident.
I’m loved.
I’ve made it in my career.
I’m spiritually whole.
I’m learning to love my physical positives and negatives.
I’ve matured.
I’ve got confidence in myself.
I feel whole and beautiful inside out.
I’m a friend.
I’m a sister.
I’m a daughter.
I’m an aunt.
I’m a teacher.
I want to be a mother someday too.
I’m queen for now.
But above all I’m a woman.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Pink Pink Pink and loving it

I finally have a place to call home. After moving around for nearly 6 months. Its in an extremely hoity toity area. Its an exclusive and elite area. And I love it. Snobbish aint i?

Well so what am I up to in my new appartment??
I'm decorating it.....

And each room carries its own theme color.
The living room is all earth and rustic very tastefully down by my roomy I must admit.
Her bedroom has all the peacock colours in it. Its reallllll pretty.
We are planning to do the kitchen in yellow and green to give it a sunshine and fresh natural look. My roomie is going to the U.S to pick up the required kitchen interiors.... Yipeee yipee...i'm sooooo excited.

And finally my room....i'm doing it all in pink, off whites and lace......yyyyyyyyyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!! Hehehe wicked huh?
and the best part is it'll freak them boys off.
My brother is already gagging at my choice of colour. He wont dare step into such a feminine room, challenges his mail sensitivities.

I love pink
I love pink
I love pink
